Anftyland - HTML-sjabloon voor NFT-bestemmingspagina's.

6 months of support Bij een product krijgt u 6 maanden ondersteuning van de auteur. Om meer te weten te komen over wat is inbegrepen lees het ondersteuningsbeleid.

shoppingBag Verkoop: 34

Created: 23 feb 2022

Updated: 23 feb 2022

ID: 231587

og体育首页ONE - Onbeperkte Downloads voor $12.40/mnd

500k Items | Commercieel Gebruik License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Ondersteuning Word lid om dit item te downloaden  Gratis
Anftyland - HTML-sjabloon voor NFT-bestemmingspagina's. - Features Image 1

Bent u op zoek naar een creatieve landingswebsite om uw NFT-items te presenteren? Dan is onze website iets voor jou. Hier hebben we 4 verschillende landingspagina's voor je klaarliggen. U kunt uw ontwerpen eenvoudig decoreren met iemands homepage. Als u problemen ondervindt bij het gebruik van onze website, dient u contact met ons op te nemen. Ons ondersteuningsteam staat altijd klaar om u te helpen. Onze website maakt gebruik van alle moderne coderingsstijlen zoals HTML5, CSS3 en Bootstrap 5. We hebben verantwoordelijk en verantwoord gewerkt op alle mobiele, tap-, laptop- en desktopapparaten ‍en nog veel meer...

  • Boostrap nieuwste
  • Scs
  • jQuery
  • HTML5
  • CSS3


some bug fixing

2 Reviews for this product

A great templates package easy to use but above all an amazing assistance by the author!
Thank you so much for this review with the 5-star rating! We feel great for the positive response from one of our honorable clients. It really helps to boost our confidence. Also, It's inspired us to make better products and improve support quality. Have a good day! Regards
Perfect landing page! I would recommend this to anyone interested in building a NFT collection. Perfect landing page! I would recommend this to anyone interested in building a NFT collection. Perfect landing page! I would recommend this to anyone interested in building a NFT collection. Perfect landing page! I would recommend this to anyone interested in building a NFT collection. Perfect landing page! I would recommend this to anyone interested in building a NFT collection.
Thank you so much for this review with the 5-star rating! We feel great for the positive response from one of our honorable clients. It really helps to boost our confidence. Also, It's inspired us to make better products and improve support quality. Have a good day! Regards

0 Comments for this product

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Customer Support

3,5 /5
Support rating (6 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 3 4 1 3 0 2 0 1 2
Response Time: Slow This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.


Gerelateerde Onderwerpen:

Cryptocurrency, Business & diensten


Bootstrap Version:


Images included:


Design Software:

General software requirements:

Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver

Hosting Requirements:

PHP Version Compatibility:

Web Server Compatibility:

Database Server Compatibility: